This Valentine’s Day, instead of buying your kid superhero cards, print out these Kindhearted Cards and let them be their own hero by spreading messages of tolerance. With so much going on and the tendency to attack differences instead of embracing them, this is a great way to spread the love.
When introducing the cards to your kid, have an open conversation about the various factors that make us different (race, religion, interests, personality, home structure, life experiences) and how these differences are a good thing. The cards ground the discussion in concepts kids can understand and relate to (different flavors of ice cream, the diversity of the zoo, walking in others' shoes etc).
Answer any questions they may have about differences honestly, which emphasizes that it’s acceptable to notice and discuss differences as long as it’s done respectfully.
Then cut out the cards and use the back to address them to classmates. It might also be nice to encourage your kid to write one thing they appreciate about each classmate.